Wander Lord

Interesting on art, nature, people, history

Wonderful Red Silk Cotton Tree

Wonderful Red Silk Cotton Tree

Gorgeous red flowers of silk tree

Red Silk Cotton Tree. The cute Cardboard Box Man holds a large flower, which in fact is a blossom of a wonderful red silk cotton tree, known as Bombax ceiba, or Red Silk Cotton Tree. This is an amazing sight – huge orange-red flowers with a diameter of more than 15cm on bare gray branches. The green leaves will be later. Meanwhile, flowering begins at the end of February and lasts two months. The natural range – from India to the Himalayas, but thanks to bright and beautiful flowers, people widely use it for gardening in the subtropical zone and beyond the natural range. In fact, a tall, beautiful deciduous tree grows almost throughout Southeast Asia.
During the flowering the plant visits a variety of different insects and birds – hunters after nectar, usually accumulating at the base of the sepals. Unfortunately, the flowers do not live long, usually only one night, after which they fall off, forming a continuous carpet under the tree. After the flowers fall, leaves appear on the trees, then fruits. And fruit – a box with seeds and white fluffy.

Previously, it was a very important technical culture, because it gave a silky, almost non-waterproof fiber. Accordingly, its English name is Silk Cotton Tree. The fiber from the fruits of these trees, capable of holding a weight on the water, exceeding 30 times its own. As a result, people use it for the manufacture of marine life-saving appliances – vests and lifebuoys.
Wonderful Red Silk Cotton Tree

A hummingbird hunting after nectar. Flowering plant

Wonderful Red Silk Cotton Tree

Alley of awesome trees

Wonderful Tree

Bare branches of the tree

Wonderful Red Silk Cotton Tree

Wonderful Tree

Cardboard Box Man holds a large red flower in his hands

Wonderful Tree

Coral color of red silk tree

Wonderful Red Silk

Gray bird in a stunning flower

Wonderful Red Silk Cotton Tree

Green leaves and fruit – cotton box

Wonderful Red Silk Cotton Tree

Wonderful flowers

Wonderful Cotton Tree

Unfortunately, these bright red flowers have a short life