Power of color
Colors have had important meanings since ancient times. In many ancient civilizations, people painted colored circles and lines around their eyes and mouths. Originally they did this to please the gods and scare away evil spirits. They soon realised that color could be used to make their faces and bodies beautiful. Body painting is one of the most ancient arts of humankind and today it is coming back into fashion.
The colors of our clothes became just as important as those used for painting the body. Clothes are a symbol of power. The power in the clothes affects both the person who wears them and the people around him or her. So it’s important to choose the colors you wear carefully.
The mysterious Aztec and Maya civilizations dyed their textiles with great artistry. Every color had a meaning: yellow was the symbol of the sun, blue meant the wearer had royal ancestors, red stood for blood.
Colors can influence the way you feel.
White is a symbol of purity, wisdom, divine presence. Therefore, any white animal or bird, seen by chance, is a good sign for you. White protects against negative vibrations.
Yellow symbolizes the energy of knowledge, learning.Yellow is truly joyous and virtuous in its purest form. Yellow exudes warmth, inspiration and vitality, and is the happiest of all colors. Yellow signifies communication, sunlight and spirituality. If your favorite color is yellow, this indicates that you look forward to the future, and that you are intellectual, highly imaginative and idealistic.
Light blue calms the nervous system, brain, muscles. It is the energy, the color of the Divine power of the Divine Spirit. This is the only color that can treat everything and everyone, without exception.
Blue is the color of wisdom and faith. It calms the nervous children and adults. It is considered a symbol of the birth of the world.
The color of royalty, blue brings comfort and serenity to our lives. If you choose blue, you have a basic need for a calm, harmonious, and tension-free existence. Capable, conservative and sensitive others, you make a loyal and trustworthy friend.
Purple color brings the energy of compassion, kindness, unity, forgiveness.
Red is a symbol of power and aggression.Red the single most dynamic and passionate color, symbolizes love, rage and courage. Demanding attention, red has great emotional impact. Those who select red are aggressive, impulsive and strive for success. The desire to experience the fullness of living leads to constant activity.
Pink notes a sensitive heart. Universally representing caring and sharing, pink indicates a strong personality. Pink is preferred by the affectionate and concerned individual. Gently, you offer love, attention and nurturing to those in distress and needing guidance.
Orange is the symbol of real power, firmness and confidence. It is a color of support, stability, reliability. In addition, orange is the symbol of a lasting marriage. And at the same time it is the color of hypocrisy, lies, betrayal.
Orange is the color of autumn, spice. In bright tones, orange is jovial, cheerful and playful. Deepened, it becomes exotic and exciting. If orange is your choice, you have abundant energy with an eye for structure and organization. Your social nature finds you surrounded by family and friends.
Brown is the most unfavorable color. It symbolizes collapse and blocks all energies.Brown sensuous in nature, represents an importance of hearth and home. It symbolizes physical comfort, ease and contentment. Your inner security, honesty and high virtue show that you take life seriously.
Power of color
Black. It is emotion, the birth of this feeling in their initial stage. Black is the color of life, the color of the start of certain events.
Green is the color with no harmful side effects. Green is our protection, harmonization, health, self-confidence. Maybe that’s why we like green grass.Green creates an atmosphere that is calm and restful, and characterizes the intense power of nature. If you selected green, you seek stability, balance and persistence. You are a moral and affectionate individual.
Grey is limitation, discipline, seriousness. It is depressing and shows oppression.
Silver color is chosen by people who love order. It enhances the creative impulse. Silver is a symbol of human purity.
Golden is pomposity or altruism (depends on the spiritual level of the person).