Yulia Brodskaya – Queen of quilling
Yulia Brodskaya is a talented paper artist and illustrator. She was born in 1983 in Moscow.
In her creativity the artist uses two simple materials – paper and glue to make three-dimensional paper artworks. In 2004, she moved to London to study graphic design.
In 2006 Yulia started working as a graphic designer and illustrator. However paper always held a special fascination for her. Now she draws with paper instead of on it. Brodskaya earned an international reputation for her unique style and innovative paper illustrations.
Creative review magazine named her ‘breakthrough star’ of the 2009.
Paper art is not just a hobby for Brodskaya but a source of income. She creates advertising illustrations. The artist has an impressive list of clients – Starbucks, Godiva, Target, Sephora, The New York Times Magazine and many others.
The original artworks are owned by Oprah Winfrey, Ferrero, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Country Music Association and numerous private collectors.
Now the Russian woman lives in the UK.
The story of quilling is quite unusual. It is believed that quilling originated in Europe in the Middle Ages. In that time special paper for quilling was expensive and therefore it was accessible only for higher strata of society. People used feathers for twisting paper.
In the East, and especially in Korea, the art of paper purchased characteristics of Oriental Art. Every masterpiece required a lot of time and consisted of several hundred tiny pieces harmoniously combined into a single composition. Now quilling is widespread in the West and in the East. In Korea quilling is even a part of the school program because this art is very useful. It promotes fine motor skills, removes aggression, and develops taste.
Official site: www.artyulia.com