Buckwheat – healthy food
Buckwheat is a unique cereal. It is unpretentious in the process of growing, it gives an excellent crop without any fertilizers, and “copes” with weeds itself, which simply do not grow among buckwheat plants.
The buckwheat originated on the western slopes of the Himalayas and later appeared in East Asia and the West. To Russia it was brought in the 13th century from Asia by the Tatars.
Buckwheat porridge is very delicious and nutritious. Buckwheat contains about 70% starch, 11-12% protein and 2-2.5% fat. It is also rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, organic acids (citric, oxalic and malic) and vitamins B1 and B2.
Rutin, a substance that strengthens the walls of blood-vessels, is received from the leaves. Bees collect a lot of sweet nectar from buckwheat flowers.
The lipotropic substances contained in buckwheat protect the liver from degeneration, improve the cardiovascular system and the pancreas. It removes harmful cholesterol from the body. The iron in buckwheat helps people with anemia.
It is easy to cook and can be eaten with dried fruit, fresh fruit, milk, meat, nuts, vegetables or mushrooms. Buckwheat is a part of the national cuisine of Japan. They make buckwheat noodles “soba”, which are popular in numerous restaurants in Japan.
Buckwheat cannot be mixed with sugar. Unfortunately, sugar neutralizes all the useful properties.
Buckwheat is an environmentally friendly product and it is ideal for diets. It raises the mood. It is proved that the consumption of buckwheat porridge leads to an improvement of the psycho emotional state, improves the work of the brain and, of course, puts you in a wonderful mood.
It fills you with vital energy. In India and China, it is believed that to walk on the buckwheat is very useful. The grains activate the biological points in the body and this helps to prevent various diseases.
The pillows, filled with buckwheat hulls, help with insomnia.