Lemon – Sweet, but Sour
Lemons are yellow fruits that grow on a small tree or spreading bush. Like limes, oranges, and grapefruit, lemons are citrus fruits. The scientific name of the plant is Citrus limon.
The lemon trees can grow quite tall (to about 3 to 6 meters high) if they are not trimmed. Their leaves are reddish when young, but they turn green. Some trees have sharp thorns next to the leaves.
Lemon flowers are large and have a lovely sweet scent. Lemon trees bloom throughout the year.
The fruit is usually picked while it is still green and is stored for three or more months until its color has changed to yellow.
The lemon is rich in vitamin C. In addition, the lemon is rich in vitamins B, A, P, potassium, and phytoncides. Its flavor is used in many foods: pastries, pies, vegetables, fish, and many others. Many people put it in their tea. The lemon oil is used in perfumes and soaps. Pectin is used in some medicines.
Lemons contain citric acid which can dissolve a pearl. Citric acid makes juice of lemons tart.
Now lemons are grown everywhere. But in the wild they are found in India. This sour fruit came from India thanks to the wars of Alexander the Great. Initially, the lemon was called an Indian apple. Major lemon-growing countries include India, Argentina, Spain, Iran, and the United States.
In ancient times, lemon water was used for washing hands to protect people from infection. People also drank lemon water to protect themselves from cholera and other intestinal infections.
Old doctors recommended to rub weak gums with a crust of fresh lemon.
Modern women who want to have long, strong nails make a lemon bath.
Lemon helps to overcome insomnia and spring melancholy.
The famous James Cook was awarded the Royal Admiralty Gold Medal by the Royal Society for the fact that it was he who came up with how to save the sailors from scurvy, a deadly disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. He suggested taking lemons.
The Spaniards consider an orange to be a symbol of mutual happy love. A lemon is a symbol of unrequited love.
When life gives you lemons Make lemonade!