Wonderful Earth
People are constantly interested in everything mysterious. That is why they explore the amazing planet Earth. It seems that mankind knows almost everything about the planet, but there are still many topical issues that need answers. In the distant future, mankind will unravel the riddle of the Universe and the origin of the Earth. Here are interesting facts about our wonderful planet.
Large liquid-water oceans cover the majority of the planet’s surface, such that the total amount of dry land is about equal to the surface area of Mars.
Like Mercury, Venus, and Mars, Earth has no ring system, but it has a large satellite, the Moon.
The length of the day is equal to 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds.
Earth’s weather turns out to be the most unpredictable in the solar system.
The planet’s lithosphere is broken into eight major plates and several minor ones that move relative to each other at a typical speed of a few centimeters per year; this phenomenon, called plate tectonics, does not occur anywhere else in the solar system.
The difference in the diameter of the Earth at the poles and around the equator is 43 kilometers.
The average depth of the oceans covering 70% of the planet’s surface is 4 km.
The formation of continents occurred as a result of the constant movement of the earth’s crust. Originally there was one continent on Earth known as Pangea.
The largest ozone hole was discovered over Antarctica in 2006.
Mount Everest is known as the highest point of the planet, and the Mariana Trench is the deepest.
Deserts occupy almost a third of the surface of the entire Earth.
The temperature of the earth’s core is equal to the temperature of the Sun.
The air pollution in China is so heavy that it can be seen even from outer space.
About 100 tons of small meteorites are found daily in the Earth’s atmosphere.
There is only 3% of fresh water on our planet.
The amount of ice in Antarctica is the same as the amount of water in the Atlantic Ocean.
Coral reefs are considered the richest ecosystem.