What is remarkable about your heart?
Our heart is an amazing organ that keeps blood moving through the blood vessels. It is the main organ of the cardiovascular system.
Heart pumps blood to the lungs, back to the heart, out to every part of the body, and back to the heart again. This round trip takes about a minute.
The blood carries digested food and oxygen to all parts of body. The blood also picks up a waste gas called carbon dioxide.
When you relax, the heart pumps about two and a half liters of blood a minute through the body. But if you run or jump, heart speeds up because muscles need the extra oxygen for energy.
Heart is a marvelous mechanism which keeps time with our lives. It’s never had a day off!
Fever is a defence against poisons, virus and stress factors. High temperatures speed metabolism and inhibit the growth of viruses and bacteria. Your heart beats faster when you have a fever, pumping more blood which lets you resist and fight back against the bacteria.
Uncommon uses of common foods
Here is some more information about common foods in our diet.
Lemons are used for medicinal purposes. They prevent scurvy, but they also purify the system, push out acids and are good for fever and liver disorders. Lemon juice and honey water is especially good for sore throats and colds and to expel mucus. Lemons are high in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Horseradish is a good gall bladder cleanser. It mineralizes the body, as it is high in sulphur, fluorine and potassium.
Olives are a brain and nerve food. They are extremely high in vitamin C and are the best source of potassium and a food source of phosphorus. Olive oil is good for the skin and hair.
Oranges are a good blood cleanser. They are good for high blood pressure, asthma and ailments of the heart and liver. Oranges are high in vitamin C, potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium.
Parsley is reach in minerals, especially iron, calcium, potassium and sulphur. It takes away breath odours. It is used for controlling calcium in the body. Parsley juice is great for eliminating poisons from the body.