To reject red is to reject emotions. Color of night
In China, red color means strength, activity, and passion. Noteworthy, the combination of red and gold (any other symbol of money) in the interior – the right tool to attract monetary luck. Also, it is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. And if you want to direct qi to the sectors of wealth or fame, then red color is an ideal helper.
However, to use red to attract Qi and good luck should be discreet. So, the abundance of red in the interior can cause aggression, anger in the person of Fire, and plunge into the chaos the measured life of the man of Metal. In turn, the red color does not tolerate next to itself blue and black – the symbols of Water.
In particular, Feng Shui recommends the use of red and its shades in rooms, one way or another associated with activities (physical or spiritual). So, red will create an atmosphere of inspiration, energy, which are under the auspices of the Fire. Sports and games rooms, a kitchen, a restaurant are typical examples of such premises.
Fiery color accessories will amplify any sector of your home, bring dynamism to every sphere of life, add decisiveness to your actions and optimism thoughts.
In the areas of marriage and family, its presence is desirable, but in a small amount, in combination with another color that holds back the energy of red. For example, with white. However, in order to awaken passion and love in your partner in marriage, you can achieve the opposite result. A scandal or such a strong outburst of anger that will destroy and incinerate your relationship with your loved one.
Also, advice-caution: do not use red to paint the gate, doors, windows oriented in the west and east direction.
Undoubtedly, red has the strongest effect on the psyche. It expresses vitality, aspiration to achieve influence, and to win success. On the one hand, red symbolizes love, passion, desire, and on the other – aggression, pressure, and struggle. In fact, red increases the dynamism of life and enterprise. Meanwhile, people who reject this color, feel a lack of vitality in themselves.
Sometimes I ask myself how autumn smells? My answer: it’s the smell of the autumn leaves firework and red wine. Bryanna Reid
I’m happy that I’m red! Color is the touch of the eye, the words, the sound in the dark. For thousands of years I’ve listened to how souls talk, and therefore I dare say that touching me is like touching an angel. I can be seen everywhere. Life begins with me and returns to me. I paint the world and I say to it: “Be!”. And it becomes of my bloody color. (Orhan Pamuk: My name is Red)
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