The Great Sphinx and his secrets
I believe everyone heard about the Sphinx, the most famous riddle-maker in the world. She is a half-lion and half-woman. She asked the question and if the man could not guess the riddle, the Sphinx ate him alive. The question was: “What is that animal which walks on four legs in the morning, on two in the afternoon and on three at night?”
One man, Oedipus, guessed the riddle and the Sphinx was so angry that she killed herself.
And what about you? Do you know the answer?
The right answer is – a man. In the morning of his life when he is a child he crawls on hands and feet. In the afternoon of his life he walks on two feet. In the evening of his life he is old and walks with the help of a stick.
In Greece the Sphinx was a mythological creature.
In Egypt, near the Great Pyramid you can see a huge Sphinx, which looks like a lion with a pharaoh’s head. It is the largest sculpture ever made by man. Its height is 20 meters and the length is 80 meters, the width of the face is 4 meters. Many times, the Great Sphinx was buried up to its neck in sand.
The Arabs call the Great Sphinx – Father of Terror.
Today the sculpture is without a nose. There are many theories describing it disappearances. For example, one of the most common theories says it lost the nose during the Napoleonic battles in Egypt. However, they say that the nose was absent in the earlier period.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the statue was a kind of mascot, the ruler of the Nile.
Sphinx in pictures
The Great Sphinx and his secrets