Terror of the deep
Octopus is a strange undersea creature. It is, without doubt, the Terror of the Deep. It has eight arm-feet, which are just like eight snakes all moving at the same time. And the strength of these arms is almost unnatural.
His eyes are quite different from any sea creature. They are not round but oval, small and full of terrifying expression of cold anger.
There’s no animal in the whole world which can equal the octopus in imitating anything. He can imitate pink, red, purple, blue… and even be striped!
He can do almost everything. He can crawl like a huge spider, on the bottom or over rocks. He can paddle or swim through the water. He can jump backwards like a rocket, faster than the eye can follow him.
In addition to all this, he has an ink sac. When he wants to prepare for an attack, he squirts out a cloud of this blue-black liquid and hides in the rocks. Then he creeps out from an unexpected point ready for a new attack. He is as cunning as a fox.
His body is elastic and can easily change shape.
Interesting facts
There are about 300 different octopus species living in all the oceans of our planet. They can live only in salt water.
Octopuses can grow up to 4 m. The largest of them was caught in the United States in 1945. The length of his body was 8 meters and his weight was 180 kg.
His blood is blue, because of the copper in it.
Octopuses have three hearts.
Terror of the deep
They are able to drop their tentacles like lizards their tails.
Blue-ringed octopus is one of the smallest and one of the most poisonous creatures on earth. One blue-ringed octopus contains enough poison to kill 25 adults!
When the female octopus lays her eggs, she protects them for a month. No wonder that some mothers often die of hunger.
They can hear despite the fact they don’t have ears.
Paul the Octopus was one of the most famous animals. They called him Octopus Oracle because he predicted the results of association football matches. He died on October 26, 2010 in Oberhausen, Germany. The monument to him – an octopus on a soccer ball, was opened on January 20, 2011 in the Sea Life Centre in Oberhausen.