Orange color vegetables Health benefits
First of all, orange color is creativity and self-realization. Painted by nature itself, some of the healthiest orange fruits and vegetables include carrots, oranges, pumpkins, peaches and mangoes. In general, they can improve your powers of concentration, help your eyesight and help fight off infections because they contain Vitamin C.
Traditionally, orange gifts of nature are present on our table at any time of the year. For example, in winter we enjoy oranges, tangerines and persimmons. And in the summer time we enjoy apricots, peaches, melons, and sweet peppers. In the autumn we make preparations from sea-buckthorn, and we prepare delicious dishes from a pumpkin. Meanwhile, carrots are a traditional component of dishes all year round. This list, in fact, is long.
In fact, it is beta-carotene that provides a beautiful bright coloring of these fruits, berries and vegetables. And in the body under the action of enzymes – converted into vitamin A. This vitamin is necessary for the complete synthesis of proteins and metabolism, the correct distribution of fat deposits, for the health of teeth and bones. In addition, it promotes the growth of new cells and slows down aging. Besides, Vitamin A is important for eye health. Perhaps, you remember the familiar from childhood advice to eat a carrot for good eyesight?
Noteworthy, with a lack of vitamin A, the immune system is impossible to work well. Also, it provides reliable protection against infections. Deficiency of this vitamin is fraught with malfunctions in the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and deterioration of the skin condition. Vegetables and fruits of orange color are also rich in vitamin C and contain beta-cryptoxanine. This substance has an anti-inflammatory effect and is an antioxidant, preventing the damaging effects of free radicals and inhibiting aging.
Persimmon serves as a preventative against oncology, lung diseases and kidney stones. Also has a diuretic and tonic effect, recommended for nervous disorders, and bad mood. In addition, strengthens eyesight and does not allow the body to grow old before the time. According to belief, persimmon lovers often become long-livers.
At the same time, every fruit or vegetable of orange color is useful to our organism in its own way.