Number 13
Number 13 is also called “devil’s dozen”. In many countries around the world, people are afraid of this number. In the US, for example, 80% of buildings do not have a 13th floor, and many hotels do not have a room number 13.
In many European countries, no one invites 13 guests. And if this “misfortune” suddenly happened, you immediately have to invite one more guest. Groucho Marx, American actor, successfully joked: “13 people at the table may be an unlucky number, if you have cooked only 12 meatballs.”
The thirteenth Tarot card represents death.
In many countries people believe that Friday 13 is the worst day and brings misfortune.
In the Spanish-speaking countries, people are afraid of Tuesday 13.
We can meet number 13 in the Bible. For example, Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit on Friday the 13th. 13 people took part in the Last Supper and traitor Judas was one of them. They say Cain killed his brother Abel on this day.
The Chinese are afraid of the number 4, because the number “four” sounds like the word “death”.
Who says 13 is unlucky?
Ancient Mayan believed that 13 brings happiness.
During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet submarine C-13 was the most successful of all the submarines of the Baltic Fleet.
Number 13
In England, 13 is often referred as “baker’s dozen”. In the Middle Ages, when a customer bought a dozen of buns the baker gave him one for free.
As for the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese, they believe that 13 is a lucky number and often arrange wedding ceremonies on this day.
This much abused number is the keynote of the Great Seal of the United States. In it there are:
13 stars
13 stripes
13 arrows
13 letters in the motto
13 laurel leaves
13 berries on the branch
13 feathers in the left wing
13 feathers in the right wing
13 feathers in the tail
Do you believe that 13 brings misfortune or not?