The mystery of the tomb of Tutankhamun
Pharaoh Tutankhamun, his throne name was Nebkheperure, died at the age of eighteen. According to other sources, he was killed. He ruled the country as a child for nine years. Nevertheless, he was buried with royal honors. Only in 1922, the British explorer Howard Carter was able to find a tomb in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor.
Egyptologists knew that the young pharaoh was buried in the Valley of the Kings. But where?
Since 1900 there were excavations on the west bank of the Nile in the same Valley of the Kings, which was considered to be the burial place of many great pharaohs (1567-1320 BC).
American scientist-Egyptologist and millionaire Theodore Davis managed to find a number of tombs of famous pharaohs of the New Kingdom, including the tomb of Queen Hatshepsut, Thutmose IV of, Horemheb, Ramesses. In 1914 he declared that there were no more tombs in the valley. The First World War began and works were stopped.
Nevertheless, the Englishman G. Carter, who discovered the tomb of Amenhotep I, did not lose hope of finding Tutankhamun’s tomb. By the summer of 1922 his expedition explored the entire valley. There were no traces, but he tried again and again.
On November 4, 1922 at the entrance to the tomb of Ramses VI one worker found first step, carved into the rock. Step by step the group moved to the bottom of the stairs. Finally they saw a door with a double seal.
Carter immediately sent a telegram to his ally, sponsor, Egyptologist Earl of Carnarvon (George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert). He immediately came with his daughter from the UK.
Then the archaeologists discovered the second doorway. When they opened the door they saw wonderful things: strange animals, statues and gold, and the first untouched royal sarcophagus. The mummy was covered with aromatic resin, head and shoulders were covered with gold mask, and hands made of gold-leaf were crossed on his chest. Dr. Derry, unwinding the bandages of a mummy, found 143 items: bracelets, necklaces, rings, charms and daggers made of meteoric iron. Fingers and toes were in the gold covers.
It was a world sensation. This discovery was very valuable for archeology.
But this is not the whole story. Later, there were stories that the investigators of the tomb of Tutankhamun incurred the curse. Lord Carnarvon died in 1923. As the doctors said he died of a mosquito bite. Then his daughter, Lady Herbert, who also participated in the excavations, died. Carter’s secretary died from the strange disease, then the archaeologist Arthur Mace. George Jay Gould, the richest man in the United States, a collector of ancient artifacts, died of a fever a night after his visit to Tutankhamun’s tomb. Carter died in 1939, in London at the age of 66.
In 1972, the director of the Egyptian Department of Antiquities, Dr. Kamal Mukhtar, suddenly died while Tutankhamun’s treasures were transported to England for exhibition. And there were even more deaths.
An explanation of numerous deaths of researchers was found. They died of a deadly disease histoplasmosis.