Main symbol of blue color is divinity

Flowers of tenderness, blue still life. Artist Olga (pseudonym ‘droplet of the soul’), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Main symbol of blue color is divinity
It is the blue color that calls man to infinity, to depth, to purity and supersensible. For blue is associated with the color of the sky and the color of the water. The blue color also gives an unusual feeling of meditation, calmness and serious contemplation. It is not always the color of joy, more often of sadness, for the boundlessness of the sky, its unknowability give a feeling of sadness and anxiety.
The symbolism of blue comes from the obvious physical fact – the blue of the cloudless sky. In mythological consciousness, the sky has always been the abode of gods, spirits of ancestors, angels; hence the main symbol of blue is divinity. The conjugated meanings are mystery, mysticism, holiness, nobility and purity (spirituality), constancy (in faith, devotion and love), perfection, high origin (blue blood), justice (God’s work).
Blue color depicted in objects of the cult of gods in Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome (Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno). Also, the color presents in cloak of the Tabernacle of the congregation (Old Testament), the clothing of the high priest in the Tabernacle and clothes of Jesus and the Mother of God in icon painting. And in Pseudo-Dionysius, blue denotes incomprehensible secrets.
In Christian churches, the blue domes symbolized the sky, and the ceilings in the temples of Ancient Egypt.
In medieval Europe, blue was the color of a costume of knight wishing to show faith in love to his lady.
“Blue stocking” – the nickname of a woman engaged in science (originated in Venice in the XV century).
In Europe of modern times (England, Russia), orders and awards were hung on blue ribbons – the Order of the Garter, awards at races, prizes for speed, etc. (signs of prowess, superiority).
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And, finally, the sign of high origin is “blue blood”.
Main symbol of blue color is divinity

The celestial blue blends with the blue of the flax. Sunny heat and coolness of blue flowers. Impressionism for a fresh mood