Forget-me-not – unforgettable flower
Forget–me–not is a perennial (plant that lives, grows, flowers, and produces seeds for three or more consecutive years). This plant has thick, fleshy, water–storing stem and leaves. It is 15 to 43 centimeters long, and the leaves are heart–shaped. Clusters of flowers are pale to dark blue in color. Each flower is saucer–shaped and measures about 1.3 centimeters across.
Forget–me–not is a small flower, but there are many stories associated with it. Once goddess of flowers Flora came down and began to give names to the plants. It seemed to her that she named all flowers and she wanted to go home. Suddenly she heard a quiet voice: “Give me the name, Flora!” Flora looked around, but didn’t see anyone.
But the voice went on: “Give me the name of Flora! Do not forget about me!” Only then Flora saw a small blue flower. And Flora said: “I will name you Forget-me-not, but together with the name and you’ll get a wonderful power, you will return the memory of those who have forgotten their loved ones and homeland.
Different people have their own legends about the flower. In different countries, all these legends are associated with the notion of loyalty and good memory. One of the ancient Greek legends tells about the forget–me–not as about the flower of fidelity and separation. There was a girl who fell in love with a shepherd, but they had to break up. The girl was crying during the whole separation and her tears turned into small blue flowers.
In German folklore these flowers arose from the tears of the bride, who split up with her groom. It is believed that the forget-me-nots help to learn the name of the future beloved.
Forget–me–not is a symbol of constancy and fidelity.
In France, the flowers were kept as a relic, when they were given as a keepsake.
Forget–me–not is a symbol of Alaska.
It is said that in 1405 Henry Lancaster chose this flower as his emblem.
Writers and poets admired this flower. One of them wrote: “Forget–me–not is the whole world: the yellow stamens in the middle are the sun, and blue petals are the sky. It is the universe on the human palm.”