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Effects of color nutrition on human body

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Beige and brown. Effects of color nutrition on human body

“What color do you choose?” I think that in the foreseeable future this issue will become common not only for the seller, tailor or hairdresser, but also for cooks or waiters. Color nutrition is our near future. What is the basis of this confidence? On almighty statistics. Every year with each month the number of those who master color nutrition is increasing.
In everyday life, we do not think much about the color scheme of what we eat. And when we pursue something delicious, then, as a rule, we do not fix specifically the color of what we eat and do not make any conclusions about ourselves by the color of food. However, the color of the selected product can tell us a lot. And not only prompt, but also change the speed of our thinking, for example. It can help to solve this or that problem, or it can interfere with its solution, if we chose the wrong color. Meanwhile, about the influence of the color of food on the human body, on its behavior and thinking knew even in ancient China and Japan. Besides, the Japanese even today mainly nourish children and themselves according to the color of food. Not the quality of food, not the chemical composition of food, namely color. And specially decorate it. Why? Different color of food develops different parts of the brain.

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Beautiful blue color

This means that there are more and more people who understand and appreciate the enormous benefits of color-coding techniques. What is the uniqueness of this technique, what are its fundamentals and practical use?

First, if we eat red food, then we begin to develop temporal lobes of the brain, they are responsible for the semantic load and interest in life. If we eat white food, we develop a hindbrain, responsible for coordinating the movement. If we begin to eat green food, then we begin to develop an epiphysis (or pineal gland, responsible for the connection of a person with an intangible, higher, divine world), the pituitary gland (responsible for communication with the real, material world), the thalamus, the hypothalamus, or a middle brain.

In addition, our subtle, or astral (and in terms of rhythmology – light) body is able to perceive the energy allocated by this or that color. After consuming food or viewing any color image, the occipital part of the brain begins to distribute the colors to certain parts of the body. “… And the color spectrum will look like color strings piercing the body.” Each color string “sounds”, vibrates in its own rhythm. It is the rhythm of the string that affects the rhythms of our brain and body. And if the rhythm of this or that string is broken, we experience various inconveniences at the level of a dense body. In particular, at the level of thoughts, words, movements, interactions with other people and with the world as a whole. To eliminate these inconveniences, we can adjust the rhythm of the color string, using food of the appropriate color.

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Blue color inspired food

Therefore, color of food is a priority in comparison with its chemical composition. It contributes, above all, to the acceleration of the biocurrents of the brain. The food that a person receives through the mouth, retains only its mineral metabolism – basically it’s bones, muscles and all the lower systems of the body that produce kinetic energy. The rest of the body’s systems do not feed through the mouth.

Noteworthy, after understanding the meaning of the color of food, we get a new tool for regulating our own lives. We emphasize that it is not only about the “inner” life that concerns the work of our brain and body, but also about the “outer” life. It relates to all spheres of our activity, from the physical to the spiritual, from the business to the soul. The fact is that the color strings permeate not only our subtle body, but the entire surrounding world. We can say that these strings – connected with the world, and therefore the rhythms of the strings can change the characteristics of interaction with it.

You can learn more about the mechanism of this interaction in the rhythmological books and educational-methodical films, for example, by ED Marchenko. In particular, in the textbook “There is nothing that happens randomly” for beginners to master rhythmology. Here we will only pay attention to the result of this mechanism: knowing the function of this or that color string, understanding the meaning of this or that color, “… you already know in advance what the world will require of you. So, you behave very worthily in pass clearly and beautifully in this world.”

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Brown coffee

Want to check it out? Then from the theory we turn to practical advice. If, for example, you actively react to the red color around you, you simply lack of the vibrations of red color. Note: your brain can not cope with the solution of spatial problems, spatial thinking does not work. When interacting with the world an active reaction to the red color suggests that you do not quite cope with the support of someone’s life.

In any case, it is necessary to compensate the rhythm of the red string with red food. It can be tomatoes, watermelons, cherries, red bell peppers, etc. “If you need to provide someone, someone to prepare the conditions for life, you better eat red food. If you know that you need to join the exchange of money, you need to use yellow food.

When we need to create a harmonious atmosphere, and to quickly resolve conflicts between people or between people and objects, we consume the green color of food. The white color of food is used only in those cases when it is urgent to understand something in yourself. Let’s say, you understand, that there is absolutely magnificent science, you simply have to learn about it, but something does not work out. Constantly distracted thinking, distracted attention, and there’s nothing you can take. In this case, we begin to consume the white color of food.

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Christmas Red and silver decorated table

If, for example, we feel that the orange string is starting to break, immediately start eating carrots, drinking orange juice. In short, we are filling ourselves with orange. And if began strains with a husband, every woman feels that something goes wrong – then she starts to eat orange.

If we feel: the tension with money arose, then choose all the yellow, eat yellow (lemon, cheese, yellow pepper, etc.). If somewhere the spiritual evolution begins to slow down and feel that we do not fully understand the world (the higher, the divine), we begin to eat a lot of green. In particular, parsley, dill, green pepper, cook green cabbage, and everything green.

If we feel that there is something missing for the words, try to find something blue, say, a blue drink, but since it is very difficult, then a little blue, blue bottles or a blue glass, or we put on blue clothes. That is, there is a very rational attitude to everything.

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Colorful dessert

Take note: you give more than necessary when you have eaten blue, or purple, and the person who has eaten red, yellow or orange does not give up. When you ate green, it was not in vain. So, many people gravitate towards green color, because it is difficult to make mistakes with it. There is little food of violet, blue or dark blue color, so we are rarely given more than we deserve.

Another practical advice: if there are no products of the required color, do not despair. You can pick up napkins, tablecloth, utensils of the required color. Remember? – Our eyes feed us much more actively than the mouth! In extreme cases, use food colors.
Based on books by E.D. Marchenko “Knowledge of human experience”, “Life without birth”, “Introduction to Pedagogy of “Radastei”

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Deep Blue

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Delicate pink

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Food we eat

Effects of color nutrition on human body

From light green to dark red – Fruit table

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Fruit and vegetables. Effects of color nutrition on human body

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Lemon and yellow

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Marine theme

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Pink and Violet

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Red table

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Vegetavle salad of various colors

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Wedding day White table

Effects of color nutrition on human body

White and Red

Effects of color nutrition on human body

White food, business lunch

Effects of color nutrition on human body

Yellow table