Wander Lord

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Category Archive: Countries and cities

Amish people – another way of life

Amish people - another way of life

Amish people – another way of life

There is the world of the Amish people in America. They live without telephones and television, without cars and electricity. Everyone works on farms and travels by horse or on foot. Amish people are the followers of Jacob Amman. This movement appeared in 1693 in Switzerland, but because of the persecution the Amish had to leave Europe and move to America.
In the eighteenth century the Amish people went to America. Since then their lifestyle has not changed at all. They speak a language called Pennsylvania Dutch, or Amish, which sounds like German. They base their life on the Bible. The Amish is called Protestant Old Believers.
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Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

This residence of British monarchs is considered to be the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world. Tourists from around the world travel to the city of Windsor (Berkshire) to see the magnificent structure.
Windsor Castle is the official residence of kings and queens. It is English history in a nutshell. In the 11th century William the Conqueror built a wooden fort. In 1066, William invaded England and defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings and became King William I of England.
Henry II pulled down the wooden buildings and rebuilt it in stone. George IV turned it into a palace.
In 1992, over 110 rooms in the palace were damaged or destroyed in a fire. It took five years to restore the rooms.
Today Windsor Castle is recognized as the most beautiful castle in the world. It was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest castle in the world.
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Inca Empire

Inca Empire

Inca Empire

The Inca Empire included about 12 million people at its peak in the early 1500s. It lasted less than 100 years, from 1438 to 1532, but it was the biggest and richest empire in America. Their capital was Cuzco. It was a beautiful city. There were palaces, temples, schools, houses, and government buildings.
The Inca grew corn, squash, tomatoes, peanuts, and cotton. They were the first to grow potatoes. The Incas worshipped the coca plant. They thought that it was magical and used it for religious and health purposes. They made clothing from llama wool and cotton.
The Incas were wonderful engineers. In less than a hundred years, they built over 22,500 km of roads, and hundreds of bridges. A complex aqueduct system used to bring water to farms, villages and towns. Machu Picchu is one of the most amazing archaeological sites in the world. Located high in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Machu Picchu was never found by the Spanish invaders.
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Leaning Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Bonnano Pisano, an Italian engineer, began to work on a bell tower for the cathedral in Pisa in 1174. Today the tower has become a famous tourist attraction and one of the most famous structures in the world. It became famous because of a mistake.
Three stories were built and the tower began to lean. The soil was soft and the thick foundation was not strong enough to support its weight. Construction was stopped for almost a hundred years and in 1275 it began again. The tower was finally finished in the 14th century, but each year it leans 1.25 millimeters.
In 1934, the Italian government pumped concrete under the base to try to correct the leaning, but the leaning increased.
The great astronomer, mathematician and physicist Galileo was born in Pisa. He made some of his experiments concerning the speed of falling objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
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Bridges in London

Tower Bridge

Bridges in London. Tower Bridge

Bridges are very important for London. The first bridge was built in Roman times and most of the others were built in the last three hundred years. They all are interesting for the history.

Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge is one of the most famous symbols of London. It was opened in 1894 and was named after the Tower of London. It is the only Thames bridge which can be raised. Nowadays it’s only raised 4 to 5 times a week.
Tower Bridge is 244 meters long and towers on the bridge are 65 meters high.
Tower Bridge is especially beautiful at night when it is illuminated and is reflected in the Thames.
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Seven Wonders of the World

Seven Wonders of the World

Seven Wonders of the World

Here you’ll find seven wonders of the ancient and new world. I believe everybody knows that Seven Wonders of the Ancient world are The Great Pyramid of Giza, The Colossus of Rhodes, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Lighthouse of Alexandria, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.
The Great Wall of China, India’s Taj Mahal, the Colosseum of Rome, Jordan’s ancient rock city of Petra, the hilltop city of Machu Picchu in Peru, Mexico’s Chichen Itza and Brazil’s Statue of Christ the Redeemer became Seven Wonders of the New world. And I’ll tell about Seven Natural Wonders of the World.
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Chernobyl – then and now

Chernobyl – then and now. Picture by Roman Gumanyuk

Chernobyl – then and now. Picture by Roman Gumanyuk

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded on April 26, 1986, releasing large amounts of radioactivity into the environment. The amount of radioactive material that went into the atmosphere was equivalent to 10 Hiroshima bombs. It is the most severe catastrophe throughout the entire world history of the atomic energy use.
The disaster occurred as a result of an experiment on how long safety equipment would function during shutdown at the fourth reactor unit.
The power station is located 9 mi (14.5 km) northwest of the town of Chernobyl, with a population of 12,500, and less than 2 mi (3.2 km) from the town of Pripyat, which contains 45,000 inhabitants.
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