Wander Lord

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Category Archive: Animals

Flea – interesting parasite

Flea – interesting parasite

Flea – interesting parasite

Fleas are insects that live as parasites on birds and mammals, including humans. They depend on the animal they live on for food. Fleas bite the animal and feed on its blood. They can spread diseases. There are about 1,600 species of flea. The largest individual is only about 1 centimeter long. Fleas are excellent jumpers.
A flea has four stages of life: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. A female flea can lay more than 20 eggs every day. Adult fleas live for a few weeks to about a year.
Fleas commonly spend a great deal of time off their hosts, for example, in vegetation or on the ground. They can generally survive for a long time without feeding.
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Goat – Surefooted Mountain Climber

Goat - Surefooted Mountain Climber

Goat – Surefooted Mountain Climber

Goats are horned mammals closely related to sheep. People raise goats for their milk, hair, and meat. In many countries, people make butter, cheese and even ice cream from goat’s milk. In Spain, goats are the main source of milk.
A domestic goat usually weighs about 45 to 54 kilograms. Both male and female goats may have horns. Most males also grow beards.
Goats eat grass and shrubs.
Wild goats are animals of the mountains. Most wild goats live in herds of 5 to 20 animals. There are several types of wild goats – the ibex, the markhor, the tahr, and the goral.
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Sloth – slow-moving mammal

Sloth - slow-moving mammal

Sloth – slow-moving mammal

Sloths are slow-moving mammals that spend most of their lives in trees. They live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. They belong to order Edentata, which means “without teeth.” However, they have molars, chewing teeth, that have no roots and continue to grow throughout their lives. They are related to armadillos and anteaters.
Sloths can grow up to 69 centimeters long and weigh only about 4 kg. Sloths have flat faces on round heads, with round eyes, a round snout, and round nostrils. The fur is usually grayish brown or tan. They often have a greenish tint because of algae on their fur. This helps sloths to blend in with tree leaves. Their toes have long, curved claws, which the animal uses to grasp branches.
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Puma – beautiful wild cat

Puma – beautiful wild cat

Puma – beautiful wild cat

The puma is a large cat of North and South America. It is also commonly called a mountain lion, cougar, or panther. Probably puma is the only animal on the planet which has so many names. Puma is even in the Guinness Book of Records as an animal with a large number of names. Its scientific name is Puma concolor.
Pumas can be up to 1.8 meters long, without the tail. They stand about 0.6 to 0.9 meter tall at the shoulder and weigh about 36 to 100 kilograms. They may be yellowish tan, reddish brown, bluish gray, or some other color.
They are great jumpers and can jump to heights of more than 5.5 meters.
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Jackal – golden wolf

Jackal - golden wolf

Jackal – golden wolf

Jackals are wolflike animals that are related to dogs. There are three species of jackal. The golden jackal is found from eastern Europe and North Africa to southern Asia. The black-backed jackal and the side-striped jackal are found in southern and eastern Africa. Jackals live in grasslands.
An adult jackal is about one meter long, including the tail. It weighs about 7—11 kilogram.
Jackals live alone, in pairs, or in groups called packs. Living in packs of 10-30 individuals, they have a good social organization. Like other members of the canine family, the muscular legs of jackals are perfectly adapted for fast running. Life in the packs helps them, as they can hunt larger animals, such as gazelles, and protect each other during attacks.
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Sheep – Follow the Leader

Sheep - Follow the Leader

Sheep – Follow the Leader

Sheep are among the most valuable of all domestic animals. They are closely related to goats. There are more than 200 breeds of sheep. They are found on every continent except Antarctica.
Male sheep is called ram and baby sheep is lamb. Female sheep are called ewes. Sheep like to follow a leader. They live together in groups called flocks. Adult sheep weigh 35 to 180 kilograms. Some sheep have horns. The horns of the bighorn sheep can be more than 1 meter in length.
Sheep eat grass and plants. The shepherds take care of the sheep, sometimes with the help of well-trained and specially raised sheepdogs.
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Eyes – Mirror of Soul

Eyes - Mirror Of Soul

Eyes – Mirror Of Soul

We use our eyes to see. When we see an object, we actually see light reflecting off that object. This light enters the eye, which changes the light into electrical signals, that travel through the optic nerve to the brain. The brain interprets signals as an image, or picture, of the object. The eyelid protects the eye. By blinking, eyelids move tears across the eye to keep them moist. Eyelashes also protect the eyes from dust and other particles.
The light rays enter the curved front of the eye called the cornea, where they are partly focused. They pass through the pupil, which enlarges in dim conditions to let in more light and shrinks in bright conditions to protect the inside of the eye from too much light.
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