Wander Lord

Interesting on art, nature, people, history

What kind of tree are you?

What kind of tree are you?

What kind of tree are you?

According to the druid horoscope each one of us was born under a special tree. To tell the truth I’ve found several a little bit different variants.
Find your birthday below to learn what your tree is and read about your personality.

December 24 to January 2 – June 23 to July 2 – Apple Tree
January 3 to January 12 – July 3 to July 12 – Fir Tree
January 13 to January 21 – July 13 to July 22 – Elm Tree
January 22 to February 1 – July 23 to August 1 – Cypress
February 2 to February 10 – August 2 to August 11 – Poplar
February 11 to February 20 – August 12 to August 21 – Cedar
February 21 to March 1 – August 22 to September 1 – Pine
March 2 to March 11 – September 2 to September 11 – Weeping Willow
March 12 to March 21 – September 12 to September 21 – Lime
March 21-23 – Oak
September 22-23 – Olive Tree
March 24 to March 31 – September 24 to October 3 – Walnut tree
April 1 to April 10 – October 4 to October 13 – Rowan

April 11 to April 20 – October 14 to October 23 – Maple
April 21 to April 30 – October 24 to November 2 – Hazelnut tree
May 1 to May 10 – November 3 to November 12 – Jasmine
May 11 to May 20 – November 13 to November 22 – Chestnut Tree
May 21 to May 31 – November 23 to December 2 – Ash Tree
June 1 to June 10 – December 3 to December 12 – Hornbeam Tree
June 11 to June 20 – December 13 to December 22 – Fig Tree
June 21-22 – Birch Tree
December 22 23- Beech Tree

People born under the sign of Apple tree are attractive, pleasant and sensitive, intelligent, thoughtful and logical. They do not worry over small, everyday problems – they take life is it is. Most of all they want to love and be loved. Apple is a rather sentimental, sensitive, vulnerable tree.
Well-known personalities: Rubens, Henry VII, Rousseau, George Sand.

Apple Tree

Apple Tree

Ash tree is lively, intelligent, talented and very ambitious. These people love risk. They can be egoistic, still they are very reliable, emotional and capable of great love.
Well-known personalities: Mark Twain, de Gaulle Airport, John F. Kennedy.
Ash Tree

Ash Tree

Beeches are creative, they have good taste, they like to look well and they are keen on keeping fit. They are born leaders and splendid companions. They have excellent organizational skills. Their motto is Realism in everything.
Well-known personalities: Puccini, Stalin.
Beech Tree

Beech Tree

Birch is gentle, attractive, elegant, modest. Birch people have lively imagination and excellent taste. They are not too ambitious, they love quiet life. They are flexible and generally aristocratic. They have boundless imagination.
Well-known personalities: Guttenberg, Matejko, Streletsky.
Birch Tree

Birch Tree

Cedar gives confidence. People of cedar sign are optimistic, determined, intelligent, impatient, self-confident, and never shy. They like luxury and always want to impress others. They have amazing speed of thinking.
Well-known personalities: Galileo, Charles Darwin, Todeush Kosciuszko, Goethe, Brecht.


Chestnut Tree is honest, intelligent, noble and very tactful. These people are born diplomats. They can be very successful if they overcome their shyness and lack of self-confidence.
Well-known personalities: Balzac, Henry Fonda, Lomonosov, Voltaire, Rousseau, RL Stevenson, Pierre Curie.
Chestnut Tree

Chestnut Tree

Cypresses are strong, happy, optimistic and ambitious. Also they can be quick-tempered, unruly and careless. They love company and hate loneliness.
Well-known personalities: Schubert, Mozart, Romain Rolland, Roosevelt, Louis Armstrong.


People of Elm sign are cheerful, generous, practical and elegant. They like to be leaders, and they tend to make decisions for others. Elm is large, well-built, and very attractive to others.
Well-known personalities: Moliere, Stendhal, Poe, Albert Schweitzer.
Elm Tree

Elm Tree

Fig Tree is independent, intelligent, very sensible and has a good sense of humor. These people know how to enjoy life, they love their family, children and pets. They usually prefer idleness to hard work.
Well-known personalities: Garcia Lorca, Beethoven, Stravinsky, B. Brandt, Edith Piaf, Grieg, Heine.
Fig Tree

Fig Tree

Fir Tree is intelligent, very ambitious, talented, stubborn, industrious and reliable. It is beautiful, but probably the coldest, with some shade of strict beauty. These people tend to be selfish, but they deeply care for friends. They have many friends and many enemies.
Well-known personalities: Joan of Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte, A. Tolstoy, Galsworthy, Maupassant.
Fir Tree

Fir Tree

Hazelnut Tree is extravagant, charming and popular. People of this sign know how to make an impression on others and they are always well-liked. They are honest and tolerant partners. They have deep-developed imagination.
Well-known personalities: Prosper Merimee, Toscanini, Graham Greene, Cervantes, Marcel Marceau, Raphael, Goya, Van Gogh, Nelson, Sophia Loren.
Hazelnut tree

Hazelnut tree

Hornbeam is practical, honest and intelligent. These people are reasonable and disciplined. But they tend to mistrust other people and they are never sure of their own decisions.
Well-known personalities: Horace, Mary Stuart, Corneille, Schumann, Musset, T. Mann, P. Gauguin, W. Disney, Robert Koch, A. Khachaturian.
Hornbeam Tree

Hornbeam Tree

Jasmine is affectionate, creative and sensitive. These people are elegant and artistic, imaginative and talented. They are charming company, although they are reserved and do not seem very sociable.
Well-known personalities: Machiavelli, Martin Luther King, Yuri Sienkiewicz, Frost.


People of Lime sign are attractive, charming, calm, witty, modest, shy, imaginative. They hate fighting, stress and hard work. They are talented but their laziness prevents them from realizing their full potential. They have excellent organizational skills.
Well-known personalities: Louis XIV, Renoir, Albert Einstein, JulianTuwim.


Maple is shy and reserved, but at the same time ambitious and proud. These people have a good memory and learn easily. They can be quite stubborn and are not always tolerant to other people’s points of view.
Well-known personalities: Catherine de Medicis, Lucrezia Borgia, Anatole France, Charlie Chaplin, Leonardo da Vinci.


What kind of tree are you?

Oak gives strength and power. Oak is noble, courageous, independent and sensible. These people do not love changes, they are rather conservative, practical and they keep their feet on the ground. They are people of action, full of life, strength, and beauty. They have analytical mind and excellent organizational skills.
Well-known personalities: Bach.



Olive gives wisdom. Olive loves sun, warmth and kind feelings. People of this sign are reasonable, balanced, free of jealousy, tolerant, cheerful and calm. They avoid aggression and violence. They are critical and have practical mind.
Well-known personalities: Emperor Augustus, Teofast Bombastus
Olive Tree

Olive Tree

Pine loves nice company and comfort. These people are very active, natural, they are good companions, but seldom friendly. They are graceful, courageous, have organizational abilities and are accurate in actions
Well-known personalities: Elizabeth Taylor, Washington, Chopin, Schopenhauer, Caruso, Confucius, Copernicus.


Poplar is an artistic nature, intelligent and reliable. These people are witty, attractive and very elegant. However they are shy, they need encouragement.
Well-known personalities: Mendeleev, Jules Verne, A. Hitchcock, Salvador Dali.


Rowan is cheerful, talented, artistic and passionate, optimistic. These people like to be in the center of events. They love activity, adventures, risk and even problems and complications. They have vivid imagination and are sensitive to hypnosis or … witchcraft.
Well-known personalities: Diderot, Gregory Peck, Andersen, Zola, Le Corbusier, Gogol, Verdi, Rachmaninov, Kollontai, M. Brando.


Walnut Tree is strong, imaginative and full of contrasts. These people can be egoistic, aggressive, jealous and at the same time noble and generous. They are not always liked but often admired.
Well-known personalities: Kant, Columbus, Elizabeth II, Shakespeare, Paganini, Catherine II, Dostoevsky.
Walnut tree

Walnut tree

Weeping Willow is very attractive, gentle, romantic, imaginative, kind but full of melancholy. People born under this sign are artistic, but they are often inclined to be capricious and demanding.
Well-known personalities: Elizabeth I (English), Smetana, Maurice Chevalier.
Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow

They say that having your tree somewhere close by can help you a lot. When you are tired, or don’t feel well, or have some problems – go to your tree, touch it, sit or stand under it for some time and you’ll feel better.
Walk in a forest or a park will do you good whether you believe in the magic power of trees or not.