Wander Lord

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Chameleons – colorful lizards

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Chameleons are lizards, well- known for being able to change the color of their skin. The word chameleon in Greek means “earth lion”.
There are over 80 different kinds of chameleon. They live in Africa, western Asia and southern Europe. Different species of chameleon are of different sizes – from about 4 centimeters to 60 centimeters long. The Parson’s chameleon, from Madagascar, is one of the largest of its family.
Chameleons live in trees, where they usually eat insects. They catch their prey with the help of their long and slender tongue. Very large chameleons may even catch birds.
Most chameleons are green, yellow, or brown colored. However, these animals are famous for their ability to rapidly change the color. Many people believe that chameleons can make their color change to match their surroundings. The color change is a form of camouflage.

Their skin contains color-causing pigments that change under certain conditions. Color changes depend on such factors as temperature, light, and emotions such as fear and anger. Chameleons also use color changes to communicate with each other. Color change can happen in just 20 seconds.

Chameleons - most unusual lizards

Chameleons – most unusual lizards

Each eye can move independently of the other, so they can see in different directions at once.
In some African countries, people are afraid of chameleons because they think they will bring bad luck. Many people in Madagascar believe that anything you do to a chameleon will one day happen to you.
The “false chameleon,” or anole, is often sold in pet stores. However, chameleons are rather finicky creatures, and they usually do not survive very long in captivity.
Chameleons can remain completely motionless for several hours.
Chameleon Eyes have a 360 degrees and see in two directions at once. Chameleons eyes are the most special among all reptiles. They can rotate separately and focus to observe two different objects at the same time, allowing their eyes move independently.
Chameleons do not hear very well. Chameleon, the same as a snake, has no external or middle ear, thus no eardrum. However, chameleon is not deaf. It can detect sound frequencies in the range 200-600 Hz.
According to some folklore beliefs, chameleons must not be harmed. Chameleons should not be considered appropriate as pets.

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Their tongue is very long and sticky

Their tongue is very long and sticky

Chameleon can be called one of the coolest reptiles on the planet

Chameleon can be called one of the coolest reptiles on the planet

Amazing lizard

Amazing lizard

Wonderful lizard

Wonderful lizard

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Chameleons are very slow

Chameleons are very slow

Chameleons - most unusual lizards

Chameleons – most unusual lizards

Beautiful creature

Beautiful creature

Amazing lizard

Amazing lizard

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Blue and green Chameleon

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Chameleon’s prehensile tail and toes make it excellent climber

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Colorful stripes and patterns show chameleon in a stressed state

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Gorgeous blue and green reptile. Life in color – Changing colors Chameleon

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Green color chameleon

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Male panther chameleon. Illustration by Joseph Trumpey

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Male velled chameleon. Illustration by Joseph Trumpey

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Pencil drawing by Morgan Davidson

Chameleons – colorful lizards

Such bright colors of Chameleon say it is nervous at the moment