Wander Lord

Interesting on art, nature, people, history

Category Archive: History

Navajo – Native American people

Navajo - Native American people

Navajo – Native American people

The Navajo are a Native American people of the southwestern United States. They are the second largest Native American tribe after the Cherokee. They originally lived in what is now western and central Canada.
The Navajo hunted animals and farmed. They lived in houses made from wood covered with earth. They called hogans. Hogans are still built and used for religious and cultural purposes.
They could weave very well. Their rugs and blankets are well known. Navajo artists are also famous for their silver jewellery.
In the late 1500s Spanish explorers arrived in Navajo lands. They brought horses, sheep, and cattle.
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Seven Wonders of the World

Seven Wonders of the World

Seven Wonders of the World

Here you’ll find seven wonders of the ancient and new world. I believe everybody knows that Seven Wonders of the Ancient world are The Great Pyramid of Giza, The Colossus of Rhodes, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Lighthouse of Alexandria, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.
The Great Wall of China, India’s Taj Mahal, the Colosseum of Rome, Jordan’s ancient rock city of Petra, the hilltop city of Machu Picchu in Peru, Mexico’s Chichen Itza and Brazil’s Statue of Christ the Redeemer became Seven Wonders of the New world. And I’ll tell about Seven Natural Wonders of the World.
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Chernobyl – then and now

Chernobyl – then and now. Picture by Roman Gumanyuk

Chernobyl – then and now. Picture by Roman Gumanyuk

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded on April 26, 1986, releasing large amounts of radioactivity into the environment. The amount of radioactive material that went into the atmosphere was equivalent to 10 Hiroshima bombs. It is the most severe catastrophe throughout the entire world history of the atomic energy use.
The disaster occurred as a result of an experiment on how long safety equipment would function during shutdown at the fourth reactor unit.
The power station is located 9 mi (14.5 km) northwest of the town of Chernobyl, with a population of 12,500, and less than 2 mi (3.2 km) from the town of Pripyat, which contains 45,000 inhabitants.
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Aztecs – American Indian people

Aztecs - American Indian people

Aztecs – American Indian people

Aztecs were American Indian people who ruled a mighty empire on the territory of modern Mexico during the 1400s and early 1500s. The Aztec Empire spread over 80,000 square miles (207,000 square kilometers).
Montezuma II was the last great Aztec emperor and ruled over 5 to 6 million people.
The capital city of the Aztec was Tenochtitlan. It was built on land that today is part of Mexico City. They conquered neighboring peoples to build up their empire. According to Aztec legend, the site of their capital city was chosen around the year 1325, when one of their holy men saw fulfilled the prophecy of their principal god, Huitzilopochtli: an eagle perched on a cactus, in some versions devouring a snake. The site was a small outcropping of rocks on the western edge of the southern part of Lake Texcoco. On this site the Aztecs began building their capital city, an island linked to the mainland by causeways, which they called Tenochtitlan (Place of the Cactus Fruit).
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Native Americans

HE DOG Oglala

Native Americans. HE DOG – Oglala

Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World on October 12, 1492. He thought he was in India, and when he saw a group of dark-skinned people he called them Indians. This was a mistake, but the name Indian stuck.
At the time of Columbus there were more than 2,000 tribes on the American continent. Each tribe had a different name and a different language. But all Indians could understand each other perfectly because they used one common language — sign language. Some tribes were hunters, some were farmers. Some of them were peaceful, others warlike.

Great Civilizations
The Maya, Aztecs, and Inca were powerful people who ruled vast empires. They built large cities and beautiful temples. The Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, was built on an island in the middle of a beautiful lake. There were fine large buildings made of stone, wide roads and green gardens. The most spectacular buildings were the temples built on top of huge pyramids.
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About Pirates

Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates of the Caribbean

The pirates saw themselves as free sailors. The most famous pirates sailed the seas from the late 1500s to the early 1800s.
In ancient times pirates from Phoenicia, Greece, and Rome threatened ships in the Mediterranean Sea. About a thousand years ago some of the Viking warriors in northern Europe committed piracy.
The word ‘piracy’ comes from the ancient Greek word for attack. In fact, ancient Greece was home to some of the earliest-known pirates.
Pirates of the Mediterranean were known as ‘corsairs’. The most famous corsairs were Muslims from North Africa. They took great pleasure in attacking Christian ships. Corsairs wanted people, not treasure, so that they could sell them as slaves or make them row their ships. Half-naked slaves had to row 20 hours a day!
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Animals in War

Animals in War

Animals in War

Millions of people have died in the two World Wars — but millions of animals have too.
More than eight million horses died in the First World War alone. They carried men to war, delivered ammunition and equipment.
Thousands of pigeons were used as carriers during the First and Second World Wars. They delivered important messages and also worked as ‘photographers.’ Flying at a mile a minute, these brave birds saved countless lives.
Mules were used for transport in the impenetrable Burmese jungle. Even camels and elephants took part in battles.
Dogs served in both World Wars. They carried secret messages, laid telegraph wires, sniffed out mines, dug out bomb victims and even made parachute jumps! During the Blitz, dogs used to wake up their owners and take them to the shelters when they heard the sirens.
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